Douglas Castle
Douglas Castle was a stronghold of the Douglas family until the 20th century. The remaining tower still stands to this day, and visiting it is a must for any trip to Douglas.
Polish Memorial Garden
On your way to Douglas Castle, you will pass the Polish Memorial Garden. They were created by Polish soldiers who were evacuated to the village in WW2. The 3 monuments were brought together from across the valley and reunited in 2002.
Douglas Heritage Museum
Located in St. Sophia's Chapel, the museum is open Saturdays and Sundays from 2.00 - 5.00 pm, from April to September. It features stain glass windows of previous Earls of Douglas, and exhibits about village life, and the Cameronian Regiment.
Earl of Angus Statue
Located next to Crabtree Park, this statue commemorates the first Colonel of the Cameronian Regiment. The statue was raised in 1689.
Old St. Brides
Once a parish church, it now contains the mausoleum of the Black Douglases, which can be visited on request. The tower also hosts the oldest working clock in Scotland.
Located next to Stable Lake, this monument commemorates the disbanding of the Cameronian's 1st Battalion on 14th May 1968.
James Gavin Monument
James Gavin, local tailor and Covenanter had his ears cut off with his own tailoring scissors for refusing to renounce his presbyterian principles. This monument now stands in what was his back garden with the engraved lintel that was above his door incorporated.
Old Castle Gardens
Now overgrown, the once grand Douglas Castle garden is a short walk beyond the castle, and its various trees and plants can still be seen from outside the perimeter.
Stable Lake
One of Douglas's most popular walks, Stable Lake is an ornamental lake named after the former stable at Douglas Castle. Fishing is also popular here, see our fishing page for more information.